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The students at the Spanish Department of Kabul University have launched a number of videos to celebrate the end-of-year exams and October 12th, which marks Spain’s National Day and the Hispanic Day for countries in Latin America

13 de octubre de 2020

Spain has a privileged position to make the cultural element one of the cornerstones of the Spain Brand. As second country in the world with the largest number of properties declared as World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO, Spain combines rich heritage with a plural, mestizo and powerfully innovative culture that has shaped its image in international society.

The importance of our cultural heritage has as backdrop the global dimension of Spanish language, which according to the Yearbook 2012 "Spanish in the world" published by the Instituto Cervantes, places it as the second language in terms of number of speakers, with more than 495 million people, and as a second language for international communication.

Culture is, in short, one of the essential elements of the brand country image of Spain, and it is supported by various institutions and public bodies to project it abroad, including the Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations of the AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development) as the coordinating entity for international cultural relations and the network of Representations and Cultural Centers under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; the Instituto Cervantes, whose most important work is the dissemination of the Spanish language, but also of the culture in Spanish; the General Directorate of Cultural Policies and Industries of the Ministry of Culture; the State Company Acción Cultural Española (AC / E); the Fundación Carolina, focused on the educational and scientific field, and the ICEX, which carries out work for the promotion of exports in the cultural field too. abre en ventana nueva

In this videoSe abre en ventana nueva, students have selected their views on art.