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José Manuel Albares visits Colombia and Panama

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Colombia and Panama and launched the first Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum in Cartagena de Indias. 

March 7, 2024

​During the week of events to mark International Women's Day, Minister Albares participated in a Forum organised by the Governments of Spain and Colombia, along with various international organisations working to promote health. These include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi). 

This first Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum was held at the Spanish Cooperation Training Centre in Cartagena de Indias (CFCE), which this year celebrates 20 years of work in Colombia. In his speech, Minister Albares announced that Spain will contribute 10 million euros over the next three years to the global fight against cervical cancer. “We have it in our power to eradicate this form of cancer,” José Manuel Albares said, stressing that at a time of “multiple global crises” we cannot neglect a disease that “disproportionately affects women and girls”, mainly in low- and middle-income countries, where 85% of cervical cancer patients live.
During the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the CFCE, José Manuel Albares also stated that the centre “is one of the many examples of Spain's commitment to Colombia, which is a priority partner for our cooperation”. In this regard, the minister underscored that the activities at the Cartagena Training Centre are geared towards “a culture of peace, economic growth and social inclusion, to areas where Spain wants to join Colombia on this path towards social inclusion and equality for all”.

From Cartagena de Indias, the head of Spanish diplomacy travelled to Panama, where he visited the AECID's Humanitarian Action Office Logistics Centre, a rapid reaction point from which humanitarian assistance to Iberian America and the Caribbean is coordinated. He then toured the Old Town of Panama City, where the “Soldier’s House”, the cultural centre of the Spanish Embassy, is located. 

Afterwards, José Manuel Albares held a working meeting with his Panamanian counterpart, Janaina Tewaney, to review, according to the minister, “the excellent political, cooperation, economic, regional and Latin American relations to find ways to make them even closer”. During the meeting, the two ministers signed an agreement to promote the use of the Spanish language in international organisations and diplomatic bodies, with the aim of “vindicating its status as a global language”.

Before returning to Spain, Minister Albares met with representatives of Spanish companies operating in Panama, some of which have participated in the Canal expansion works and are undertaking important infrastructure projects in the nation.


PH​OTOS: Javier Hernández (NOLSOM)