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Albares reiterates to President Clavijo the defence of the interests of the Canary Islands in foreign policy

The minister discussed with Clavijo the relationship with Morocco and Cabo Verde, contacts with the new Government of Senegal and the situation in the Sahel 

April 9, 2024
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today held a meeting with the President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, as part of the commitment of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation in all matters concerning the interests of the Canary Islands.

Albares again described to Clavijo the different aspects of the relationship with Morocco, including the military manoeuvres. On 1 April, Minister Albares had a telephone conversation with the President of the Canary Islands in which he told him that the Moroccan manoeuvres were taking place in well delimited areas far away from Spanish waters. They agreed on the importance of maintaining the best relations with Morocco and developing them further in the future. They also established a permanent channel of communication, agreed on the development of joint cooperation programmes in countries of common interest, and the Minister offered the Canary Islands government the necessary support in relations with neighbouring countries.  

At the meeting, Minister Albares also discussed other matters of interest to the Canary Islands, such as the new phase of the Senegalese Government and the situation in the Sahel, as well as relations with Cabo Verde, with whose Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration, Rui Alberto de Figueiredo, Minister Albares held an official meeting just after receiving Clavijo at the Ministry's headquarters.