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Resultados de búsqueda

  • África

    Africa is a political and strategic priority for Spain, not only because of its geographic proximity but also because of the multi-dimensional range of ...
  • Gibraltar

    Gibraltar is a colony. Since the 1960s, it has been on the United Nations list of "Non-Self-Governing Territories awaiting decolonisation". This ...
  • Preventative diplomacy

    Preventive diplomacy includes all measures aimed at preventing existing disputes from escalating into conflicts and at preventing conflicts, if they occur, ...

  • Migration flows

    In a globalized world, migration has become one of the vectors of socioeconomic transformation and relations between States. The International Organization ...
  • Economic diplomacy

    Economic diplomacy is one of the main instruments of Spanish foreign action and a political priority for the defence of Spain's economic interests and ...

  • The fight against disinformation

    Disinformation is one of the major concerns of democratic countries. Behind false news or fake news, strategies are often articulated to manipulate public ...
  • Humanitarian action and diplomacy

    Humanitarian action aims to protect and save lives, prevent and alleviate human suffering and meet the basic needs of the population from a vulnerability ...

  • Ibero-American Summits

    The Ibero-American Summits came into being in Guadalajara and Madrid, where their Founding Summits were held in 1991 and 1992, respectively, in response ...
  • Public and digital diplomacy

    Strategic communication, and in particular public diplomacy, is generally aimed at public opinion and civil society, with the objective of conveying an ...

  • Global security

    In recent decades, global security has become a fundamental priority for Spain. Challenges such as combating terrorism and organised crime and cyber-security ...