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Spain-Africa Strategy

Albares discusses the new Africa Strategy with other ministries

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation presents to the State secretaries the text that promotes Spanish foreign policy towards the African continent

September 3, 2024
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today presented the new Africa Strategy in Madrid to the State secretaries of the various ministries involved, with the aim of boosting Spain's relations with the continent.

The objective is to make them more strategic, given our neighbourhood relations, and adapted to the ongoing dynamics in Africa, as well as to support economic and social transformation in African nations, with a focus on youth and employment. 

This Strategy covers the entire continent, with special attention given to West Africa and the Sahel. One of its objectives is for Spain to come to an agreement and coordinate with African countries at the multilateral level (with the European Union, assuming a greater role in setting the course for and implementing European policy towards Africa, but also at UN and G-20 level). A milestone will be the IV International Conference on Financing for Development, to be held in Seville in June 2025. 


PHOTOS: Pepe Méndez (Nolsom)