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Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

Minister José Manuel Albares has participated in the Foreign Affairs Council meeting, which has dealt with Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East and different current affairs.

May 27, 2024
Minister Albares reasserted in front of his European partners the commitment of Spain to the peace in the Middle East and to the support for Ukraine.

Looking at current affairs, the FAC discussed the proposal in Georgia of a law - on the influence of foreign agents - that could have an impact on the path of Georgia towards Europe. The Foreign Affairs ministers also addressed the situation in Venezuela in the run-up to the presidential elections on 28 July.

At the FAC meeting, Spain brought forward the need for more support and involvement of the European Union in the deployment of the Multinational Mission in Haiti.
Minister Albares also held meetings with his counterparts from Ireland, Norway, Indonesia and Türkiye.

Photos: Pepe Méndez (Nolsom)​