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Albares puts forward a proposal to African ambassadors for a “new partnership” towards a sustainable future

May 23, 2024

​The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today put forward a proposal for a “new partnership” to African ambassadors after assuring them that Spain is aware that, despite the challenges remaining, Africa is an increasingly strong, integrated continent. He also acknowledged that Spain wishes to partner with Africa in the pursuit of common objectives and aspirations such as prosperity, security and social justice; as well as the defence - on a global scale - of a sustainable future.

Albares, who today held a meeting with the ambassadors from African countries to mark Africa Day, celebrated on 25 May, insisted that this dialogue and partnership must also take place in the various international forums. 

According to the minister during his speech, Spain is committed to adapting the current multilateral system to meet the challenges of a changing world order. Albares added that, in order to help mobilise the resources needed to implement the 2030 Agenda, the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development will be organised in June 2025. 

The minister also took the opportunity to recall that the Spanish Government is designing a new strategic framework for its partnership with Africa, “which seeks to establish a renewed partnership, built on sincere dialogue”, and invited African ambassadors to join this process with their proposals. So far, consultations have been held with the different African Governments, and with experts from civil society and the African diaspora in Spain.


​PHOTOS: Pepe Méndez (Nolsom)