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The second edition of the "Africa Visitors Programme" has drawn to a close

Six young entrepreneurs from Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Senegal and South Africa were invited by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation to visit our country in order to hold meetings with Spanish businessmen and authorities linked to the economic and commercial fields. 

December 16, 2023
The six young participants met with executives from companies in different sectors: Iberdrola, BBVA, Real Madrid, INDITEX, ACS and Telefónica, among others. They also met with senior officials from CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organisations), ICO (Spanish Official Credit Institute) and ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), and with the Director-General for International Trade and Investment.

For the second year running, the "Africa Visitors Programme", organised with the collaboration of the Carolina Foundation, has brought to our country six leaders who, despite their youth, have undertaken business ventures that have already been very successful. The aim of this initiative is to foster contacts that can lead to partnerships that will benefit both parties. At the same time, it is expected to help disseminate a more accurate and complete picture of Africa to the Spanish business community, and particularly the opportunities that the continent offers to potential investors.