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José Manuel Albares closes the "R+D+C forum: Future Europe. Building the Europe we want"

The "Future Europe" forums, which have been held throughout the second half of 2023, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, have discussed crucial issues for environmental sustainability, socio-ecological transition and climate change.

December 4, 2023

​In his speech, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation pointed out that these forums allow us to tackle issues that have a direct impact on citizens, such as Spain’s water problem, environmental awareness and responses to the eco-social crisis, which are necessary to continue to uphold essential green economy policies hinged on public support.

According to José Manuel Albares, "only through unity, in Spain and in Europe, we can face the socio-ecological transitions of our time with determination. Only through unity can we fight climate change, protect European industry and jobs with a sustainable development model or preserve the democratic quality of our institutions".

Throughout the different sessions, issues related to production and consumption, mobility and sustainable tourism, biodiversity management, energy transition and conservation and management of natural resources were addressed. The role of the arts and humanities in raising ecological awareness and addressing environmental challenges was also highlighted.