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The EU-CELAC Summit has ended

In the words of Minister Albares, the Summit between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States is a political milestone, reflecting the desire of both regions to further strengthen our ties.

July 18, 2023
At the end of the meetings, the President of the European Council said - "it has been an excellent summit (…) like a new beginning". And the President of the European Commission highlighted the commitment to invest 45 billion euros to support the reinforced partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean until 2027 through the Global Gateway, a platform that includes a list of projects drawn up in close collaboration with the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council.

Relevant agreements have emerged from the meeting at the EU capital, such as the Joint Declaration on the EU's Digital Alliance with Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting dialogue and cooperation regarding digital matters for the benefit of the citizens of both regions. In the opinion of José Manuel Albares, more than just what is written, the most important thing is that this summit "opens up a whole new path" and that the EU-27 are committed to a new relationship and to cease "turning their backs" on Latin America.

On the margins of the meeting in Brussels, the head of Spanish diplomacy met with the Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, to whom he reiterated the commitment of Spanish cooperation and support for peace and security in the country. José Manuel Albares also held a meeting with his Mexican counterpart, Alicia Bárcena. The minister stressed the strong ties that unite the two countries and assured that Spain will promote the ratification of the EU-Mexico Agreement during our Presidency of the EU Council.