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North Atlantic Alliance Summit

Minister José Manuel Albares highlights the spirit of unity in response to Russian aggression, and reiterated support for Ukraine in its defence of peace, security, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

July 12, 2023

At a forum parallel to the Vilnius Summit, which the minister attended as part of the delegation led by President Pedro Sánchez, José Manuel Albares issued a reminder that the main goal of the North Atlantic Alliance summit held in Madrid in 2022 was "unity and giving the right response to Russian aggression against Ukraine", while stating that this "unity continues" and that all members of the Alliance "are united around Ukraine and the values" of NATO. The head of Spanish diplomacy also stressed that NATO and the European Union "are not opposites, but complementary", and this will be the "philosophy" adopted by the Spanish Presidency of the European Council this semester. 

In the margins of the Summit held in the Lithuanian capital, Minister Albares held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Romania, Greece, and Turkey and attended a meeting with representatives of three countries described as "at risk" due to their particular fragility stemming from the war in Ukraine and Russian pressure on their domestic policies: Georgia, Moldavia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.​