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Foreign Affairs and ONCE launch the official lottery ticket for the Spanish Presidency

Minister José Manuel Albares and the President of the ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda, are championing the “Spain social brand” as a way of bringing Europe closer to its citizens, especially those most at risk of exclusion.

June 28, 2023

At the presentation ceremony for the official ONCE lottery ticket, José Manuel Albares emphasised that the six months of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council will have “a social DNA”. He announced the goal of promoting the European Disability Card, to guarantee equal access to benefits throughout Europe.​

Mr. Carballeda noted how important it was for ONCE to do its “best” to help the rotating EU Presidency, adding that “only a European Union that puts people at risk of exclusion first and thinks about them will be a united, strong and inclusive Europe”.


Ph​otos: Pepe Méndez (NOLSOM)​