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José Manuel Albares presents the Ministry's Digital Transformation Plan

The minister has assured that digital transformation is a key instrument for progressing towards a more egalitarian, a more sustainable and a more socially and territorially cohesive Spain.

April 12, 2023
 At the Marqués de Salamanca headquarters, Minister Albares presented the outlines of a Digital Transformation Plan which, in his opinion, will serve to promote a consular ecosystem based on a set of applications, infrastructures and online content that will transform the activity of consulates. "Digital transformation," he said, "shall aid in providing a better service from the consulates to Spaniards living overseas, and in more effectively responding to global challenges". Following the opening of the event, three round tables were held in which representatives from different ministries took part.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation's Digital Transformation Plan is included in the 2021-2024 Foreign Action Strategy, which establishes digitalisation as a fundamental instrument in achieving a modern and agile foreign service. In particular, it establishes the need to digitise diplomatic and consular services in order to provide more efficient services to citizens and to help in the task of representing Spain overseas.


Photos​: María Lucía Rodríguez (NOLSOM)