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José Manuel Albares and Pilar Alegría present the report "The world studies Spanish 2022"

​This publication shows the situation of Spanish language teaching in countries where the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) is present and analyses the implementation of the different programmes in the countries reviewed

March 16, 2023

This publication takes stock of the presence of Foreign Education Action (AEE) around the world since its outset and reviews all its programmes through various testimonials from different participants. An historical perspective of the AEE’s journey since its outset, more than a century ago, is also presented, along with assessments from different councillors in the countries where AEE centres are present. This edition includes chapters on the 33 countries where the presence of the AEE is most important. Lastly, some significant figures on the impact and presence of the AEE are highlighted through a series of infographs contained in the section entitled “Figures and letters” (of Spanish).

Furthermore, this 10th biennial report from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training includes a highlight on the importance of the close collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the way in which these joint efforts contribute to strengthen the network and presence of the Spanish Educational Action. The cooperation between the two ministerial departments helps boost the presence of Spanish language and culture around the world. Accordingly, the publication contains articles by the Minister for Education, Pilar Alegría, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, and includes broad participation from members of different areas of AEE.