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Registration opens for 9th International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) in Cadiz

Those interested can register on the website of the CILE,

The congress will take place from 27 to 30 March in the Andalusian city ​
February 8, 2023
The website of the 9th International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) will be available as from today, Wednesday, 8 February, to complete such formalities as the registration of guest speakers and press accreditation, as well as to see the academic programme of the event, which will turn Cadiz into the epicentre of the Spanish language from 27 to 30 March 2023.

Anyone interested in attending the congress in person can register on the website Two forms of registration exist: standard, which will cost 10 euros, and a student registration for 5 euros. In both cases, the registration will serve to attend in person the plenary sessions and the panels with simultaneous meetings, involving the participation of leading figures in language and culture in Spanish.

For the first time, the CILE, which for this year’s edition has adopted the motto “Spanish language, mixing and interculturality. History and future”, will also be broadcast live online. Accordingly, anyone can attend the sessions live on the congress website without the need to register.

Over the course of the four-day event, a host of cultural activities will also be organised in the city of Cadiz. These range from concerts to art exhibitions, meetings and other cultural activities with Spanish playing centre stage, all open to the public.

The ninth edition of this cultural event is being jointly organised by the Cervantes Institute, the Royal Spanish Academy, the Association of Spanish-Language Academies (ASALE), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the City Council of Cadiz.