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Albares defends Palestine's admission to the UN today

April 18, 2024
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, today defends Palestine's admission as a full member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Albares, who will be attending an open ministerial level UNSC debate taking place throughout the day, will present Spain's political will for a realistic and viable two-State solution with the understanding that this is the way forward for peace. 

Albares' intervention at the UNSC is part of the process of political dialogue with Member States yet to recognise Palestine. A dialogue that Spain is leading so the process is carried out in a coordinated way among all countries yet to take this step.  

So far, 139 States have recognised Palestine, 9 of them in the European Union. One of the last countries in the world to do so was Sweden, a European Union Member State. 

Today's debate at the UNSC will focus on the a​dmission of Palestine as a full Member State of the United Nations after the Palestinian diplomatic representation to the United Nations on 2 April requested that the UN Secretary-General reconsider its application made in 2011.