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Spain, Belgium and the European Commission announce that Letta accepts commission to prepare report on the future of the single market

The single market, created 30 years ago, is the cornerstone of European integration and a source of common wealth. Given the particularly conflictual, volatile and complex nature of today's world, strategic reflection is imperative

September 15, 2023
The European Council of 30 June 2023 asked the Spanish and Belgian Presidencies of the Union, as well as the European Commission, to present, by March 2024, a high-level independent report on the future of the single market.

Both countries and the Commission would like to find in it concrete and ambitious recommendations and asked the former Italian head of government Enrico Letta to write this report.

Enrico Letta has expressed his willingness to be fully involved in his role as rapporteur. In this capacity, he has been entrusted in particular with the task of collecting the opinions of various European and national bodies, the employers' and trade union world as well as civil society associations.​