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José Manuel Albares to take part in Food Security Conference in Berlin

June 23, 2022
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, will take part tomorrow in the Food Security Conference in Berlin, which will address the consequences of the Russian aggression against Ukraine that is causing an unprecedented global food crisis.

Minister Albares will use his speech to review the initiatives that Spain is participating in and to propose greater European coordination, channelling support for social protection and support for the family agriculture sector, along with support for local civil society, via European development NGOs.

He will also propose to publicly strengthen the work of the Global Crisis Response Group on food, energy and finance, supporting the leadership of the United Nations in the coordination of agencies, programmes, funds and bodies.

José Manuel Albares plans to advocate the need to speak with a single voice to ensure a reinforced European role in setting the agenda for the main United Nations financial institutions and agencies. He will also propose addressing the current food crisis at the SDG Summit 2023 and monitoring the Food Systems Summit that will also be held in 2023.