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Government’s official statement on the elections in Guatemala

In response to the publication of the official results of the second round of the elections held on Sunday 20 August in Guatemala to elect the new president of the Republic, the Government of Spain congratulates the people of Guatemala on the peaceful and democratic exercise of their right to vote. Congratulations are likewise extended to Bernardo Arévalo de León, candidate of the Movimiento Semilla party, on the results achieved in these presidential elections, in which the citizens of Guatemala have chosen him to lead the country during the coming years.

August 29, 2023

The Government of Spain expresses its concern over the decisions that have led to the suspension of the Movimiento Semilla party. The electoral triumph of president-elect Bernardo Arévalo must be respected. Similarly, no constraints should be placed on the plurality of political parties or on the functioning of the democratic State under the rule of law. ​

The Government of Spain wishes to convey its readiness to maintain a relationship of fruitful cooperation with the president elected by the citizens of Guatemala, and to continue to strengthen the many ties binding Spain and Guatemala with the aim of building a future of prosperity and stability together.