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Spain welcomes agreement between Lebanon and Israel over Eastern Mediterranean

October 12, 2022
The Government of Spain welcomes the conclusion of an historic agreement between Lebanon and Israel on the delimitation of maritime borders in the Eastern Mediterranean, which will allow natural resources to be harnessed to their mutual benefit, in line with the vision on cooperation and integration that Spain has always advocated in the Mediterranean.

The government trusts that this important agreement will also help drive and consolidate the Lebanese political process through the regular functioning of its constitutional institutions and mechanisms, which will lead to the conclusion, without delay, of the election of the new President of the Republic and of the new government of the country.

The government underlines the mediation successfully carried out by the United States and the determination of the leaders of the two countries in their commitment to peace and stability in the region. Spain also reiterates its firm commitment to this stability, particularly through Spanish participation in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the provision of aid for the Lebanese people and its constant political support for global, fair and lasting peace in the region, to which end today’s agreement could amount to a fundamental step.
