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Secretary General: A Strong European Union is important for NATO


28 de junio de 2016

Visiting the European Council on Tuesday (28 June 2016), Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed the importance of the strategic partnership between NATO and the European Union. He highlighted that a strong European Union is important for NATO and welcomed the European Global Strategy.

Addressing the UK’s vote on membership in the European Union, the Secretary General noted that it will take time for all the consequences to be clear and that it is for the UK and the European Union to find the way forward. He also reiterated that the UK’s position within NATO remains unchanged. “The UK is a strong and committed Ally, responsible for almost one quarter of defence spending among European NATO Allies,” he said.
Mr. Stoltenberg underlined that cooperation between NATO and the EU is as important as ever. He outlined areas where cooperation can be enhanced, including in maritime security and countering hybrid warfare. The Secretary General also noted that preparations for NATO’s Warsaw Summit are on track. “The Warsaw Summit will be important for the whole of Europe because we will make decisions on deterrence and defence, on projecting stability to our neighborhood, and on how we can enhance and further strengthen cooperation with the EU,” he said. He added that today’s meeting of the European Council and the Warsaw Summit next week are two important platforms and opportunities to strengthen cooperation and demonstrate unity between NATO and the EU.