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Reunión conjunta de los Comités de las tres Dimensiones de la OSCE

Iniciativa Conjunta hispano-rumana para la creación de un Tribunal Internacional Contra el Terrorismo

La Embajadora González Román presenta ante la OSCE la Iniciativa hispano-rumana para la creación de un Tribunal Internacional Contra en Terrorismo.

Elementos de presentación en la OSCE.

16 de junio de 2015
I’m honoured to introduce today to the three Committees, together with Romania, this Joint Initiative for the establishment of an International Court against Terrorism.

• Terrorism in all its forms is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, as stated by the most recent UN Security Council resolutions. This initiative is designed as a way to assist States that, whilst having the political will to tackle this phenomenon, lack the institutional mechanisms to do so.

• We are aware of the difficulties and challenges that this project faces, namely the lack of international consensus on a commonly accepted definition of terrorism, the risk of fragmentation of international law, or the proliferation of national jurisdictions.

• Nonetheless, Spain and Romania firmly believe on the value of this project as an effective way to address the growing international concern caused by terrorism.

• As the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs García-Margallo stated, just one month ago, in the Permanent Council, “we need a specialized international judicial mechanism to prosecute crimes committed by violent extremism, in order to combat impunity”.

• We are convinced of the need to combat terrorism by all possible means and of the need to put an end to impunity. The new International Court against Terrorism would be instrumental in this endeavour, so that terrorist crimes do not remain unpunished.

• We are also convinced of the importance of a concerted action by the international community. We hope that the concept note that is circulated will deserve your consideration and that yopu ewill join us in this project.

• Terrorism affects all of us. Our responses will be more effective and successful as long as they are also supported by all of us.

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