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Schengen visas

General information 

The Schengen visa is issued to third-country nationals listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2018/1806It opens in new window. This visa allows the holder to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days (in any 180-day period) for the purposes of tourism, business, visiting family, medical treatment, studies, training placements or volunteer activities that last under 3 months, or for other non-gainful activities. It also allows transit through the territory and airports. 

The Schengen area encompasses 26 European countries without border controls between them: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. 

The Schengen visa allows the holder to travel to any of the Schengen States and to transit through their territory, but it does not automatically entitle them to enter the Schengen area. The border authorities can refuse entry if the visa holder does not provide proof of the purpose and specifics of the trip, or if any of the other entry requirements are not met (please refer to the section “Conditions for entry into Spain").

Required documents 

1. Schengen visa application form. Each applicant must complete and sign an official application form, filling in each of its sections. If the applicant is a minor, one of their parents must sign the application. 

2. Photograph. A recent, passport-size, colour photograph, taken against a light background, facing forward, without dark or reflective glasses, or any garments concealing the oval of the face. Photographs of minors must not show any part of the adult holding them.  

3. For Namibians and citizens of Botswana a valid, unexpired passport. Original and a photocopy of the passport page with the biometric data. The passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the expiry date of the visa. It must also contain at least two blank pages.

4. Travel medical insurance. The insurance must cover the costs of repatriation for medical reasons or death, as well as for urgent healthcare and/or emergency hospital treatment for the entire stay and throughout the Schengen area. Coverage must be of at least €30,000 or its equivalent in local currency. If the application is for a multiple entry visa, the medical insurance must be valid for the first planned entry. The applicant must undertake to purchase insurance for future trips. 

5. Payment of the visa fee. The amount of the visa fee is 90 Euros (currently N$ 1688) for people aged over 12, and 45 Euros (currenty N$844) for children of 6 to 11. Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the fee. Different fees are applied for nationals of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cabo Verde and Russia, pursuant to the respective Visa Facilitation Agreements formalized with these countries. 

Preferred method of payment is by swiping. 

6. Documents corroborating the purpose of travel and the specifics of the entire stay. Flight itinerary: return ticket reservation and accommodation. 

Should you have been invited to stay with someone living in Spain, you must submit an original invitation letter issued by the Police in Spain. 

Should you be travelling to Portugal or Slovenia and have been invited, please request the relevant invitation model from the Consular staff.​​

7. Proof of sufficient financial means: Bank account statements for the past three months, or investment or savings. (According to current regulations, the applicant must be able to prove that he/she has an amount of 118 Euros a day for the entirety of his/her stay in Europe, with a minimum amount 1065 Euros – i.e. should your stay be of 10 days, you would need at least 1180 Euros in your account but should your stay only encompass 5 days, you would still require at least 1065 Euros. This amount does not include the cost of the flight and hotel accommodation)

8. For non-Namibians and non-Motswanas: proof of residence in Namibia / Botswana.  A residence permit which must be valid for at least 3 months after he expiry date of the visa. 

9. Letter of employment and salary slip. 

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also ask the applicant to come in for a personal interview. 


The Embassy of Spain issues visas exclusively for Spain, Portugal and Slovenia
      i)  If the country of longest stay is Spain, Portugal or Slovenia.
      ii) When the stays in the various countries will be of the same duration and the point of entry in the     Schengen area is located in Spain, Portugal or Slovenia. 

  • Who can apply for a visa: Applications must be submitted in person. If the applicant is a minor, the application must be submitted by their legal representatives. 
  • Place of submission: Applications must be submitted in person at the Consular Office or, when available, at the Visa Application Centre. In either case, an appointment is necessary per e-mail at                                                                  ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Visa application period: Visa applications must be submitted between 6 months and 15 days before the scheduled date of travel. Seafarers may apply for the visa up to 9 months before the date of travel. 
  • Proof of receipt: When a visa application is submitted, the Consular Office will provide the applicant with proof of receipt of the application with a code that enables them to check the status of the dossier through the following link:​me.aspxIt opens in new window 
  • Biometric data capturing: The applicant's facial image and fingerprints will be captured during the visa application procedure. Applicants under 12 and applicants whose fingerprints have been taken in the last 59 months are exempt from fingerprint taking. However, in the latter case, if the applicant's prints are of poor quality, the Consular Office will request that they come back in to have their fingerprints retaken. 
  • Rectifying the application: The Consular Office may ask the applicant to submit any missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary for a decision regarding the application. The applicant may also be called in for a personal interview. 
  • Decision period: The legal period for reaching a decision is of 15 calendar days as of the day after the application submission date, but this period may be extended to 45 calendar days if an interview or additional documents are requested.

    Visa applications submitted by nationals of certain States require consultation with the central authorities that could affect the duration of the visa procedure. 
  • ​Return of passport and other documentation: The Consular Office or Visa Application Centre will inform the applicant regarding the procedure for the return of the passport and any other original documentation.  
  • Permission granted by the visa: A visa does not automatically entitle someone to enter the Schengen area. The traveller must meet all legal entry requirements (see section "Conditions for entry into Spain"). 
  • Visa refusal: Visa refusals will always be notified in writing, setting forth the grounds on which the decision adopted was based. 
  • Appeals: If a visa is refused, the applicant may submit an appeal in Spanish for reconsideration to this Consular Office, within 1 month of the day following the date on which notification of the refusal is received. An application for judicial review may also be filed with the High Court Justice of Madrid within the 2-month period beginning the day after the date on which the applicant receives notification of the visa refusal or of the dismissal of the reconsideration appeal. 

Complaints or suggestions about the service received or about the visa application procedure can be submitted online through this website. They may also be submitted in writing at this Consular Office.

Data protection​ 

The processing of personal data of visa applicants is done in accordance with the General Data Pr​otection RegulationIt opens in new window

Persons wishing to exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Visa Information System (VIS) may do so by addressing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation: 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation
Inspección General de Servicios
Postal address: Plaza de la Provincia, 1, Madrid, España
Email:​It opens in new window 

The following forms may be used to do so: 

Persons whose visa application has been refused because they are banned from entering the Schengen area may exercise their rights of access, rectification and erasure of their personal data in the Schengen Information System (SIS) by addressing the Ministry of the Interior.   

To obtain more information on your rights and duties and on how to exercise your rights of access, rectification and erasure of data included in the SIS, please refer to the website of the Spanish Data Protection AgencyIt opens in new window.

Basic legislation 

 Community Code on Visas 

  • Regulation (EC) No 810/2009It opens in new window of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code). 
  • Regulation (EU) 2019/1155It opens in new window of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code).

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