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Visit of the Minister of Inclusion, Labor and Migration of Spain Elma Saiz to Washington, D.C.

26 de enero de 2024

Elma Saiz & Mayorkas.jpg

The Minister of Inclusion, Labor and Migration of Spain, Elma Saiz, made an official visit to Washington D.C. from January 23rd to 25th to meet with government institutions and multilateral organizations, as well as Spanish associations, students and professionals at different institutions in the capital city.

During her visit, the Minister met with personalities such as Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS (Organization of American States); Richard R. Verma, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources at the Department of State (DoS); Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Homeland Security Advisor to President Biden at the White House; Mamta Murthi, Vice President for Human Development at the World Bank; and Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. During these meetings, Minister Saiz highlighted the importance of the strategic alliance with the United States and Latin America regarding the economic and administrative challenges of circular migration, as well as the need to continue strengthening the transatlantic relationship in areas of inclusion, on which the Minister has emphasized that "xenophobia and hatred have no place in societies such as Spain and the United States, with such a strong emotional and economic link to Latin America."

In addition to visiting official organizations, the Minister also had the opportunity to meet with the Spanish community in the United States. The Minister received at the Embassy representatives of Spanish associations in the United States such as the Council of Spanish Residents (CRE), Spanish Scientists in the USA (ECUSA) or the Spanish Public Policy Network (SPPN), and held a meeting with Spanish students at Georgetown University together with the Prince of Asturias Distinguished Professor Juan Luis Manfredi.​

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