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Hague Apostille and Legalization

Legalization validates a foreign public document by verifying the authenticity of the signature and the legitimacy of the signing authority. Legalization does not certify the content of the document. 

The Hague Apostille is a simplified procedure that has the same purpose as legalization and is applied between the States party to the Convention of 5 October 1961It opens in new window, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents. 

In general, unless a specific rule provides exemption from this obligation, all foreign public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid in Spain, and all Spanish public documents must be legalized or apostilled to be valid abroad. 

Only original legalized or apostilled documents (or true copies issued by the same body that issued the original) are admissable. Legalized or apostilled photocopies cannot replace the original document. 

The legalization or apostille has no expiry date, but if the document has a time-limited validity, that of the legalization or apostille shall be equally limited. 


Legalization of documents issued by the Consular Office 

The documents issued by this Consular Office must be legalized by the local authorities to be accepted as valid for their purposes.  

Documents issued by Embassies and Consulates cannot be apostilled. 


Obtaining an apostille for foreign documents 

The Hague apostille is the exclusive competence of the authorities of the country issuing the document. Documents apostilled by the authorities of the issuing country do not require any additional procedure from the Consular Office, and may be presented directly in Spain. 

The text of the Convention of 5 October 1961, which abolished the requirement to legalize foreign public documents, together with the list of States party to the Convention and the authorities in each State competent to apostille a document is available at the following link: opens in new window 

In the European Union, Regulation 2016/1191 exempts the interested party from the apostille requirement in certain cases. For more information, consult the European Union information pageIt opens in new window or the RegulationIt opens in new window 

Legalization or apostille of Spanish documents 

Information on how to legalize or apostille documents issued by the Spanish authorities is available (in Spanish) on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Europe​an Union and CooperationIt opens in new window.​ 

The Consular Office does not legalize or apostille documents issued in Spain.


Process of homologation of non-university Singaporean studies to Spanish equivalent studies.

You need  the Apostille of your Diploma and transcript of records. You may contact SAL, Singapore Academy of Law, for this.   

After this, your Diploma and Transcript of Records will require an official translation. Kindly find a list of translators appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

You must register in the virtual office of the Spanish Ministry of Education in order to request the "homologación". Kindly visit the link and follow the instructions to register carefully. We strongly suggest watching the video tutorial in English, as it explains the process clearly. Remember to download and sign the application form “Solicitud" and the Conditional Enrolment flyer “Volante de inscripción condicional"

Once you have all the documents, you need to pay the fee required to process your documents (not necessary for homologación of Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria - ESO-)      

If you are not in Spain, you will need to make the payment by transferring the corresponding amount for homologación of Título de Bachiller. This fee changes annually, you can check the amount here: (click on modelo 790)

Tesoro Público. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.

Bank: Banco de España (BdE).

Account: Tesoro Público. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. Cuenta restringida para la recaudación de tasas.

Account number: IBAN: ES27 9000 0001 20025310 8018

Address: Calle Alcalá 48, 28014-Madrid (España)


Any charges that may be applied will be paid by the applicant.

After all this procedure, you need to get an appointment at the Embassy of Spain and bring all the necessary documents: 

• Completed form for homologación. 

• Completed volante de inscripción condicional, (if the student is going to enroll at a Spanish university)

• Printed proof of payment of the fee (not for ESO), plus 790 form. 

• Original passport. 

• Original Official diploma with Apostille and the original official translation. 

• Original Official Transcript of Records with Apostille, conducted by the applicant, inter alia, the official duration, in academic years, the curriculum followed, the subjects studied, the grades obtained and the hourly load, and the original official translation. 

• If a representative is coming to the Embassy on your behalf, he should be conveniently authorized by you in advance, and he should present a copy of his identity card or passport. All documents submitted must be official and issued by the competent authorities to do so, according to the law of the country in question. Also, in cases where necessary, the original documents must be duly authenticated.

​​6. ​​Finally, the Embassy of Spain will review all the documents and send your application form for homologation together with all the documents digitally to Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. You will receive a registration slip as proof that your application has been submitted. You will need to keep this slip and the application form. If the student wants to enroll at a Spanish university, this slip will be necessary together with volante de inscripción condicional, which will allow him/her to enroll at the school/university until the resolution from the Ministry of Education in Spain is done.


For more information: ​