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VIth Classical Guitar International Competition " Ángel G. Piñero”.

25 de octubre de 2018
In order to keep disclosing the Spanish classical guitar, the “Angel G. Piñero” guitar Association undertakes the VIth Classical Guitar International Competition “Ángel G. Piñero” that will take place on the 5th July 2019 in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz (Spain).
 If you are in your last year of guitar studies or you have already end, and you are between 18 and 35 years old, you can enroll the Competition as a participant. The enrollment fee cost 100€.
The Competition is accompanied by a 1st Prize of 4.000€ and 3 concerts, a 2nd Prize of 3.000€ and 1 concert, and a 3rd Prize of 1.500€. Furthermore, there will be three consolation prizes of 300€ in order to assist the travel.
On the other hand, each participant will have three nights of free accommodation at an hotel in El Puerto de Santa María and, on the 6th July 2019, a MASTER CLASS of technic and interpretation given by the guitarist and composer Ángel G. Piñero.
For more information check the follow website: or contact the email address: