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Queer Literature Festival in Spanish

The Embassy hosted the 3rd Anniversary of the festival, organized by Romancero Books

November 22, 2023

Romancero Books, the London online bookstore directed by the Spaniard Jorge Gárriz, has been organizing the festival for three years with the aim of bringing the most significant Spanish and Latin American voices of LGBTQ+ literature to the English public.

This year the guest of honour was Elisabeth Duval, one of the most relevant literary voices of her generation, who presented her latest book Madrid will be their tomb.

The Ambassador highlighted the Embassy's commitment to the promotion of Spanish literature in the United Kingdom and to new trends, which enrich our culture and contribute to positioning Spain as a reference in the fight for the rights and freedom of the LGBTQ+ Community.

The Queer Literature Festival in Spanish will run until November 26th. Come and see for yourself.