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British-Spanish Society Scholarship Ceremony 2022

The Spanish Embassy hosted a new edition of these prestiogious scholarships.

October 26, 2022

The British-Spanish Society was founded in 1916 to promote the cooperation between Spain and the United Kingdom in the midst of the First World War. Since then, this centennial Foundation fosters the Spanish culture in the United Kingdom and works to strengthen educational and social ties between both countries.

Since 2008, the British-Spanish Society grants scholarships to postgraduate students in fields such humanities, culture and science. This year the ceremony was held at the Spanish Embassy with the presence of the main Patrons: BBVA, Fundación Cañada Blanc, Cuatrecasas, Plastic Energy and Santander Universities UK.

The Spanish Ambassador, Honorary President of the British-Spanish Society, congratulated the award-winning students for their dedication, perseverance and effort, emphasizing the importance of the investment in education and young talent for prosperity in our societies.