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Lecture on the 1978 Constitution by Miquel Roca

One of the founders of the Magna Carta defended the longest Constitution in the history of Spain.

February 29, 2024

​“I am a devotee of the Constitution, I believe in it, I love it, I defend it, I will continue to defend it and for me it is the greatest in the world." This is how the Catalan politician began his conference, highlighting the role of the Constitution in the construction of modern and European Spain and its contribution to the history of freedom, recalling "when countries lose their memory they are building the possibility of repeating historical errors".

“It is the first Constitution that Spain gave itself after listening to the voice of the people. For the first time, a Constitution was drafted and 90% of Spanish people agreed" stated one of the speakers of the constitutional text, who highlighted that his creation had already turned 45, the age of plenitude in human beings.

“It was relatively easy to agree, because we did what the people wanted. We soug​ht to understand each other and we agreed on a parliamentary monarchy," said the Catalan lawyer, who defended that the Constitution “continues today to be more of a guarantee than a problem."

After the conference, a dinner was held at Corpus Christi College in which the Ambassador thanked Miquel Roca for his enormous contribution to the drafting of the 1978 Constitution and the democratic transition.