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Visit to Birmingham University

The Ambassador met with Spanish researchers and professors, and gave two conferences about Spain, the global situation and relations with the United Kingdom.

November 21, 2023

Professor Aengus Ward, medievalist and expert on Alfonso X, brought together Spanish professors and British specialists on Spain, with whom the Ambassador exchanged views on the situation of the university and the condition of Spanish studies.

The diplomatic representative also gave two conferences. The first was aimed at Spanish students and dealt on the Spanish language and culture. In the second, the Ambassador spoke to a hundred political science students about global challenges and relations between Spain and the United Kingdom.

The University of Birmingham is one of the largest in the country and the most important in the Midlands, the country's traditional industrial engine that is being transformed into a hub of innovation and technology. Almost 200 Spaniards study and research in fields such as psychology, economics, mathematics, biology, physics or astronomy.