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Her Majesty The Queen of Spain travels to London to attend the main event of “World Cancer Research Day”

​Queen Letizia was accompanied by the acting Minister of Justice, Ms. Pilar Llop.

September 21, 2023

​Her Majesty participated in Cancer Research UK (CRUK) at a round table in which they discussed the relevance of integrating diversity in cancer research to achieve equity and access to diagnosis and treatment for patients.

The Queen also held a meeting with representatives of the association of Spanish scientists in the United Kingdom, in which they shared their experiences.

World Cancer Research Day began seven years ago under the leadership of the Spanish Cancer Association. The AECC, of which Her Majesty Queen Letizia is the honorary President, together with the British CRUK and 9 other associations from several countries, established the 24th September as the day to request support for cancer research. The goal is to reduce the number of people who develop cancer, improve survival rates and the quality of life of patients.