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Handover of the Spanish Presidency of the EU to Belgium

The event was attended by European and British politicians and diplomats.

December 18, 2023

​The Ambassadors of Spain and Belgium reviewed the main challenges of the EU: enlargement, immigration, security, or the green and digital transitions.

 ​The Spanish Representative took stock of the Spanish semester, highlighting the approval of the Artificial Intelligence Act, the progress in the Immigration and Asylum Pact or the EU-CELAC Summit.  He also welcomed the improvement of relations between the United Kingdom and the EU after the entry into force of the Windsor Agreement, and underlined the European Political Community Summit in Granada, which allowed Europeans and British to address the common security challenges.

 The Belgian Ambassador, for his part, recalled the importance of concluding pending issues before the elections to the European Parliament in June 2024.

 The event ended with a music concert by the group La Tirana, a group  founded by Pablo Ruiz Tejedor and made up of British and Europeans, which is specialized in Spanish music from the 18th and early 19th centuries.