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V Barometer on Spanish investment in the United Kingdom

The Spanish and British Secretaries of State, Xiana Mendez and Kevin Hollinrake, presented the report at the Embassy.

December 13, 2023

The new barometer, prepared by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom, demonstrates that Spanish investment has overcome the difficulties of Brexit and the pandemic, showing its resistance and commitment to the British market.

 As the President of the Chamber pointed out, the United Kingdom continues to be one of the main destinations for Spanish investment. Spain has been, for many years, one of the top 10 investors in the UK. For Spanish companies, the United Kingdom is their second destination, only behind the United States. Spanish investment generates around 130,000 jobs in the UK.

 The Spanish Ambassador praised the data, insisting on the need to improve the mobility of workers between Spain and the United Kingdom as one of the ways to increase productivity and competitiveness.

 The British Secretary of State for Business, for his part, encouraged Spanish companies to continue betting on this market, citing some of the measures that the Chancellor of Exchequer announced during his recent autumn statement to favour the investment climate.

 ​Finally, the Spanish Secretary of State for Commerce highlighted that the United Kingdom is a priority partner for Spain and its companies. “In the five years that the barometer has been published, our trade relationship has gone from 29 billion euros in 2018 to 32,500 million in 2023, despite the pandemic and the adaptation to the new Brexit framework," stated Xiana Méndez.