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“Spain and the Hispanic World: Treasures from the Hispanic Society Museum and Library”.

The exhibition opened yesterday at the Royal Academy of Arts in London.

January 17, 2023

The exhibition brings together more than two hundred works and objects from the Hispanic world, and is open to the public until April 10th. It will be the last opportunity to see this collection in Europe, before its return to New York, headquarters of this institution.

The Embassy of Spain in London is among the sponsors of this important cultural event considered to be one of the most significant of the year in London.

Rebecca Saltes, President of the Royal Academy of Arts and the Ambassador of Spain, were both involved in the inauguration. Ambassador Marcos thanked the organizing institutions for their effort and collaboration, pointing out that "besides the beauty of the objects and works, the exhibition especially emphasise the influence of the Americas to Europe,  especially to Spain, and how the relationship and exchange with the new world shaped that very same Spanish personality and identity”.