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The Ambassador visits Peterborough Cathedral to honour the memory of Catherine of Aragon

​Every year a mass is celebrated in memory of the Queen consort coinciding with the anniversary of her death.

January 27, 2023

The Ambassador laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave of Catherine of Aragon, highlighting the Queen's love for the United Kingdom and her loyalty to the King of England.

Catherine of Aragon was the Infanta of Spain, Princess of Wales and Queen Consort of England, standing out for her defence and promotion of women's education and the protection of art and literature.

The Instituto Cervantes in London also hosted a seminar organized by the art historian Emma Cahill Marrón, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the book by Juan Luis Vives, The Education of the Christian Woman. The event explored the image of Catherine of Aragon and her commitment to education and culture, as well as her ties to the Tudor dynasty.

A few days ago, the British Museum announced the discovery of a pendant with the symbols of Henry VIII and Catherine herself, the result of an investigation by Historic England in which the historian Emma Cahill Brown has collaborated.