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Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival (ASFF)

October 5-9, Amsterdam

September 22, 2022
The 8th edition of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival, realized in collaboration with the Embassy of Spain in The Hague and other Spanish institutions, will take place from October 5 to 9, 2022. ASFF will screen a selection of Spanish and Latin American films with the aim of raising awareness of Spanish language film productions in the Netherlands. 

Director and actor Paco León and actress and singer Dora will present the opening film Rainbow, a contemporary story of a teenager’s journey to a​dulthood, inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, followed by a Q&A session. Other movies are Lullaby (Cinco Lobitos), The Beasts (Las Bestias), Wild Flowers (Girasoles Silvestres), Freedom (Libertad), Stories not to be told (Historias para no contar) or Alcarràs, directed by Carla Simón and recently chosen to represent Spain at the Oscars.

The screenings will take place at the Pathé Tuschinski, EYE Filmmuseum, OBA and LAB111 cinemas, all located in Amsterdam. More information at  ASFF's websiteIt opens in new window.​

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