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Zim Kids: Amazing Skills for Languages

28 de abril de 2014
 To celebrate the International Day of the Spanish Language last Saturday, the Spanish Embassy in Harare hosted an “Open Doors Day” for children at the garden of the Embassy. Zimbabwean children from the main schools of Harare, the Dzikwa Trust Orphanage and the Spanish community attended the event.
Children spent Saturday morning learning some basic Spanish vocabulary while playing all together. “It’s an excellent combination of Zimbabwean joy and Spanish language”, said the Acting Ambassador of Spain, Ximena Sartori. “Zimbabwean children have an extraordinary capacity to learn languages”. 
The Spanish Embassy will continue organising events for children. During the Spanish Film Festival, which will take place at the Alliance Française on 14, 15 and 17 of May, the animation film “Copito de Nieve”, with English subtitles, will be screened on Saturday 17th. Entry will be free.