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The European Union celebrates Europe Day in Nablus at the EU Village


The European Union and Member States celebrated yesterday Europe Day in the heart of Nablus at the EU village. Spain, France, Germany, Cyprus, Malta, Holland, Romania, Italy and EU institutions in Palestine joined over a thousand of Palestinian families and young people to showcase European heritage, culture, and traditions. 

7 de mayo de 2019

Official representatives from the city of Nablus together with European heads of mission opened the EU Village organised at Jamal Abel Nasser Park. This is the second year the EU Village is opened to the public in Palestine.
"We are happy to join Palestinians in Nablus to celebrate Europe Day at the EU Village. This is a day where the European Union remembers its foundational principles in challenging times in Palestine and the world," said the EU Representative Ralph Tarraf. "Today, the EU and Member States highlighted what Europe stands for and shared with Palestinians European traditions and culture. Last year, we did the same in Bethlehem, this year in Nablus. Europeans and Palestinians are close and we are neighbours. We share history, and we work together for a better, brighter future," he added.
Europe Day celebrates the founding of the European Union. On this occasion, the Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources, and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms.