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Feminist Foreign Policy Dialogue

On International Women's Day, Minister José Manuel Albares met with women from different areas of Spanish society to present the progress and challenges that Feminist Foreign Policy faces, listen to their opinions, and include their voices on the road to gender equality in international relations. 

March 8, 2024
Spain is a reference country in feminist foreign policy, with a political approach that promotes gender equality as a cross-cutting principle and priority for Spanish foreign action. 

2024 will see the rollout of the Feminist Foreign Policy Action Plan approved last October. This plan integrates the gender perspective into all foreign policy actions. At the same time, it develops measures around Spain's five priorities in this area: women, peace and security; human rights; elimination of violence against women and girls; and the participation and economic empowerment of women in all spheres of society.

In an international context marked by multiple crises, armed conflicts and the rise of authoritarian movements that seek to undermine the functioning of democracy and limit women's autonomy, it is more necessary than ever to fight for gender equality and the human rights of women and girls.


Ph​otos: Pepe Méndez (Nolsom)